The key interventional area of the organisation is awareness raising, community capacity building, fact finding and applied research, multi- dimensional action oriented and referral activities for human resource development and natural resource management.
Through awareness raising the organization sensitizes and awakens the community people regarding the amended plan, program, scheme, policy and procedure being initiated by the Government, civil society organizations and developmental partners for development and empowerment of the resource poor communities with emphasis to women, children, adolescents, youth, aged and infirm, physically challenged persons, children with disability, peasants, rural artisans, construction workers, migrant laborers and other stake holders.
Through capacity building the organization capacitates the SHG leaders and its members on record maintenance, resolution of inter and intra conflicts, enhancement of managerial ability, leadership skill, entrepreneurship development, effective thrift and credit management and pooling external resources as and when required for sustenance of the group in long run.
Through fact finding and applied research the organisation collects, tabulates, analyses, and interprets the raw-datas collected from the field through primary and secondary sources and kept those datas in the data bank for implementing different activities.
Through multi-dimensional action oriented activities the organisation undertakes different issue based activities with respect to the felt needs of the community through their active participation, priority ranking and OPPO A1blic private partnership model.
Through referral services the organisation refers the deserving and needy clients at several primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of developmental partners for ameliorative measures.