Providing promotive, curative, preventive and rehabilitative services to the needy people through their respective community based organization(s)
Acting as a developmental bridge between the people and the developmental agencies concerned for providing promotive, curative, preventive and rehabilitative services to the most needy and down trodden community with emphasis to women and children, aged and infirm, physically challenged persons, children with disability, rural artisans, peasants, dalit and tribal etc.
Developing the human resources in organizing different awareness, research, capacity building training and multi-action oriented activities so that they in turn will judiciously and scientifically control, use, manage and own the existing natural resources.
Undertaking multi-faceted activities relating to promotion of small family norm, spacing of child birth, population control measures, sustainable community health, poverty reduction, universalisation of elementary education & functional literacy,
Implementing several programmes/ projects pertaining to farm and farmers development, livestock development and animal welfare, water resource management and inculcation of scientific attitude that leads to community empowerment.
promoting and strengthening homogenous self help groups thereby linking them with different research and technical, entrepreneurial,market along with financial and micro financial institutions for achieving self sustenance
promoting and strengthening homogenous self help groups thereby linking them with different research and technical, entrepreneurial,market along with financial and micro financial institutions for achieving self sustenance in long run.
Conducting several programmes with intervention of S&T and R&D measures that promotes universal brotherhood, communal harmony, national integration, population explosion and poverty alleviation etc.
Undertaking area saturated integrated development projects with respect to the diversified felt needs of the community people through their joint need assessment, participatory rural appraisal, resource mapping, matrix ranking and collective initiation.
Acting as a team of change agent for promotion of clean and green environment